On reading our most recently posted articles you may have noticed a notable absentee. After discussions with several people during my last visit to KwaZulu Natal and reading comments on social network sites, we have decided not to be specific on rhino sightings. This saddens me greatly but I could not live myself if an article lead to a poaching incident. It is very much a sad reflection on the current war being fought to save the rhino from extinction.

There are many views on how to counter the current situation. My view is simple, keep visiting KwaZulu Natal. There are still rhinos to be seen and enjoyed especially here. This is a province that has played a key role in the conservation of rhinos for several decades and long may it continue. I will tell you that I sat and watched three huge white rhinos surrounded by squawking egrets. On another occasion I was lucky enough to get to see a black rhino venturing from thick bush. I met two young orphaned rhinos now under 24 hour armed guard. And probably the most special sighting was whilst on a tea break. A mother approached my vehicle with her three month old calf. If I had not climbed back in the vehicle I think the youngster would have run into me.


About Author

People say that Africa has an effect on your soul and Mark Henson the ‘author’ of this site is no exception. He first travelled to South Africa and the province of KwaZulu-Natal in 1993 and has been coming and going every year since. Twice now most years!

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