Bush Knowlegde Bush Knowledge – African Jacana By admin3 February 2012 African Jacana (Actophilornis africanus) The ‘lily-trotter’ build floating nests in the reeds, which are not…
Bush Knowlegde Bush Knowledge – Tamboti Tree By admin21 January 2012 Tamboti Tree (Spirostachys africana) This tree is recognisable by its near black bark which appears…
Bush Knowlegde Bush Knowledge – White Rhinoceros By admin19 January 2012 White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) The prehistoric looking white rhino is the larger of the two…
Bush Knowlegde Bush Knowledge – African Darter By admin15 January 2012 African Darter (Anhinga rufa) Is typically seen perched on a log or a rock in…